Usage of the harvester

Create a harvester of type RIVM OData Admin -> Harvesting, configuring the following mandatory fields:

  • Node name: descriptive name of the harvester.

  • Group: group that owns for the harvested metadata.

  • User: user that owns the harvested metadata.

  • Service URL: url of OData service, without /ODataApi path. For example,

  • DCAT metadata template: DCAT2 metadata template used to ingest the OData information.

Additionally, these other optional fields can be configured:

  • Schedule: frequency to execute the harvester.

  • Filter: string with a filter for metadata to retrieve, example: (Catalog eq ‘RIVM’)

  • Category: GeoNetwork category to assign to the harvested metadata.

  • Privileges to establish for the harvested records.


After the configuration is complete, save the harvester. To start the harvesting process, click on the Harvest button.