Minimal view

At GeoCat we’ve developed this view as an alternative to the default GeoNetwork view. The view has a subset of functionality available, therefore it looks plain and clear.

Minimal is the default view in GeoNetwork Enterprise.

Select the View

Configure alternative views via Admin > Settings > User interface configuration.


Start typing interface in the filter settings

The Minimal view uses customizated templates for the search results. These can be found in Settings > User Interface > List of templates for search results:

../../catalog/views/minimal/templates/list.html with icon fa-bars and tooltip List ../../catalog/views/minimal/templates/grid.html with icon fa-th and tooltip Grid

The list type in Settings > User Interface > Default template used for search results:


Map configuration

To use a GeoNetwork Enterprise maps, go to Admin Settings > User Interface and follow these steps:

  1. In Viewer Map Configuration set Path to the context file (XML) to


    and set the coordinates to:

    MinX: -8604130.477526832
    MinY: -320097.07393612247
    MaxX: 8948257.201654762
    MaxY: 8720263.135408245

    The map viewer with the custom GeoNetwork Enterprise map

  2. In Search Map Configuration set Path to the context file (XML) to


    and set the coordinates to:

    MinX: -180
    MinY: -90
    MaxX: 180
    MaxY: 90

    you can also use the settings for the Viewer Map if you want to change maps.


    The custom GeoNetwork Enterprise map on the Search page

  3. In Editor Map Configuration set Path to the context file (XML) to


    and set the coordinates to:

    MinX: -180
    MinY: -90
    MaxX: 180
    MaxY: 90

    The editor with the custom GeoNetwork Enterprise map

  4. Remove any eventually existing settings for Layer objects in JSON

  5. The Viewer Map uses EPSG:3857 and the others use EPSG:4326.