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Deploy GeoNetwork Enterprise

To install GeoNetwork Enterprise on your existing Tomcat instance, follow these steps:

  1. The download instructions provided a zip archive with the following files:

    • geonetwork.war
    • license.html
    • release_notes.html
  2. Stop the Tomcat service.

    Open Tomcat Manager using start menu: Start → Tomcat → Tomcat Manager

    Navigate to the General tab, locate Server Status, and press Stop button.

    Using service command:

    sudo service tomcat9 stop

    Using systemctrl command:

    systemctl stop tomcat

    It is important to follow the instructions to stop the service before deploying geonetwork.war.

    • Ensure the JNDI connection is setup with the expected jdbc driver in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

    • We are stopping the service while installing the geonetwork web application to prevent tomcat performing an automatic undeploy / deploy cycle to update the applicaiton in place.

      The undeploy step replaces the Catalina/localhost/geonetwork.xml which is used for JNDI connection details.

  3. Deploy geonetwork.war web archive:

    Open the Tomcat Program folder by using the Start menu to select Apache Tomcat → Tomcat Program Directory.

    Open the webapps folder.

    Copy the geonetwork.war web archive (from your GeoNetwork Enterprise download) to webapps folder.

    When tomcat starts up it will deploy the geoserver.war web application creating a folder webapps/geonetwork for the running application.

    Copy the geonetwork.war file to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder.

    ` bash cp /tmp/geonetwork-enterprise/geonetwork.war -d $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/

    During startup tomcat will automaticity deploy the web-archive file and create a $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/geonetwork folder.

    Copy the geonetwork.war file to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder.

    cp /tmp/geonetwork-enterprise/geonetwork.war -d $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/

    During startup tomcat will automaticity deploy the web-archive file and create a $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/geonetwork folder.

    Some care with jdbc drivers is required when installing with JNDI, this requires a manual deploy process.

    Unzip geonetwork.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/geonetwork folder.

    unzip /tmp/geonetwork-enterprise/geonetwork.war -d $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/

    Copy the postgresql driver from $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lib/ to $CATALINA_HOME/lib

    cp /webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lib/postgresql-*.jar $CATALINA_HOME/lib


    It is important not to have the jdbcdriver appear in both $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lib/``** and **$CATALINA_HOME/lib`.

    If the driver appears twice it can produce confusing "class cast exceptions" failures between the conenction supplied by JNDI, and the connection implementation expected by geonetwork.

    Even if the version number of the driver is identical having two postgresql drivers available will cause failure.

  4. Start Tomcat.

    Using Tomcat Manager navigate to the General tab, Locate Server Status, and press Stop button.

    Using service command:

    sudo service tomcat9 start

    Using systemctrl command:

    systemctl start tomcat

    During startup a database connection pool is setup using:

    • Catalina/localhost/geonetwork.xml connection parameters

    • jdbc driver is obtained from $CATALINA_HOME/lib