Install the plugin

To add the plugin to GeoNetwork Enterprise:

  1. Stop the application

  2. Download the latest patch version of the plugin from our Nexus repository. If you run a GeoNetwork 3.10.x, download the latest patch version of the relevant minor version, for example 3.10.7.

  3. Unzip the package.

  4. Copy all the jar files provided to $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lib.

  5. Restart the GeoNetwork Enterprise

  6. Configure the plugin. See next section.


You first have to go to Admin -> Settings -> Publication and enable the CKAN publication to activate this feature, configuring the following fields:

  • CKAN Server URL: CKAN endpoint to connect to the CKAN server to publish the metadata.

  • CKAN API Key: CKAN API Key to connect to the CKAN server.

  • CKAN publish organisation UUID: Identifier of the organization that owns the metadata.

  • CKAN publication notification mails is a comma separated list of email addresses to notify about actions to publish / unpublish CKAN datasets.
