GeoCat Enterprise
Welcome to GeoCat Enterprise 2024.3 produced by GeoCat BV.
We are pleased to offer the GeoCat Map enterprise distribution of GeoServer. This distribution covers the selection of the most popular extensions as requested by our customers with long-term-support up to three years.
For more demanding environments GeoCat Map Premium offers extended-support up to five years, and a greater selection of extensions.
GeoServer Enterprise
User Guide
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Tutorials
- Freemarker Templates
- GeoRSS
- GetFeatureInfo Templates
- Paletted Images
- Serving Static Files
- WMS Reflector
- CQL and ECQL
- Using the ImageMosaic plugin for raster time-series data
- Using the ImageMosaic plugin for raster with time and elevation data
- Using the ImageMosaic plugin with footprint management
- Building and using an image pyramid
- Using the GeoTools feature-pregeneralized module
- INSPIRE metadata configuration using metadata and CSW
- Setting up a JNDI connection pool with Tomcat
- geoserver on JBoss
- Running GeoServer in Cloud Foundry
- Extensions
- Key authentication module
- Control flow module
- DXF OutputFormat for WFS and WPS PPIO
- Excel WFS Output Format
- GeoPackage Output
- Importer
- JP2K Plugin
- libjpeg-turbo Map Encoder Extension
- Monitoring
- NetCDF
- Mosaic of NetCDF files
- NetCDF Output Format
- OGR based WFS Output Format
- OGR based WPS Output Format
- GeoServer Printing Module
- Cross-layer filtering
- Vector Tiles
- Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation extensions
- MongoDB Data Store
- SLD REST Service
- Geofence Plugin
- Geofence Internal Server
- Geofence WPS Integration
- CAS integration
- Parameters Extractor
- GWC S3 BlobStore plugin
- WMTS Multidimensional
- WPS Download plugin
- MapML
- Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) - ISO Metadata Profile
- Metadata
- IAU planetary CRSs
- Raster Attribute Table support